The model is available in this archive. Due to a large number of configurations, a preprocessor (GPP) was used to produce individual cases. The archive contains a Makefile that can be used to produce all cases.
Macros used to configure our cases are:FAILURES
accepts TRUE
which accepts TRUE
(not used in provided cases)GEARS_SETS which
(one gear set) and V3
which accepts MIN_MAX
(times with 20% variation) and MAX_MAX
(exact times without variation)BOUND_HANDLE
which accepts TRUE
and sets the pilot behavior (bounded / unbounded)MAX_HANDLE_OPS
which accepts an integer and defines the number of handle moves of a bounded pilotLandingSystem.fcr
The model can also be retrieved as individual files:
If you do not want to install GPP, an archive containing generated cases is available here
But you can also retrieve each case, where:
means with failuresN
means without failures (normal mode)V1
means one door/gear setV3
means three door/gear setsH1[X]
is a bounded scenario where the pilot moves the handle X timesH2
is an un bounded scenario, ie. the pilot can move handle infinitelyCases:
We also provide cases for on the fly model checking of requirement R1.1. Here the pilot will some times wait X seconds before performing another move. We can detect the state of the pilot and check if gears are retracted and doors are closed. This test can be performed on the fly using command:
sift case_N_V3_H2_8500.tts -E -f "Pilot_1_shandle__up__elapsed => (LandingSystem_w1 /\ LandingSystem_w3)"
[BDF2014] Model-Checking Real-Time Properties of an Aircraft Landing Gear System Using Fiacre, B. Berthomieu, S. Dal Zilio and L. Fronc, 4th International ABZ 2014 Conference.
[WB2014] Landing Gear System, Case study for the ABZ 2014 conference, V. Wiels and F. Boniol