Manual Reference Pages  - play (n)


play - Tina stepper simulator

Part of Tina Toolbox for analysis of Petri nets and Time Petri nets.


Play Stepper Interactive Commands
See Also


play [-help]
[-NET | -NDR | -TPN | -PNML | -TTS]
[-seed] [-inh] [-tc] [-dt] [-pr] [-sw]
[infile] [outfile] [errorfile]


Tool play allows to simulate net descriptions in any of formats .net, .ndr, .tpn, .pnml or .tts. Its capabilities are similar to those provided by the nd stepper except that play may also simulate .tts descriptions.

A simulation is a series of states separated by transitions (delay transitions or discrete transitions). Play allows one to build such sequences and navigate within, interactively.


-help Recalls options.

Verbosity level:

-v Prints banner, parsing message and prompts for commands (default).

-q No banner nor times are printed. This flag is convenient for batch usage of play.

Exploration strategy options:

-seed Initializes the random number generator so that different calls of play on the same arguments have a chance to explore different paths (if any).

Input options:

-inh Forget inhibitor and read arcs in the input net.

-pr Forget priority constraints in the input net.

-tc Forget time constraints in the input net.

-dt Forget data processing when reading a tts description.

-sw Forget stopwatches in the input net.

Input format and source:

-NET | -NDR | -PNML | -TPN | -TTS
  Specifies the format of the input net. This flag is necessary when the input net is read on standard input, or read from a file that does not bear the expected extension. By default, the net is assumed in .net or

infile Where the net is read. The input format is determined by the file type, according to the table below. If absent or specified by "-", the net is read on standard input in the format specified by the input flag. If both an infile and some input flag are present, then the format defined by the input flag supersedes that determined by the infile extension.

file extension          input format
.net                    net format
.ndr                    ndr format
.tpn                    tpn format
.pnml                   pnml format
.tts                    tts format

Output destination:

  Where results are written. If absent or specified by "-", results are written on standard output.

Errors destination:

  Where error messages are written. If absent or specified by "-", error messages are written on standard error.


When called, play prints the initial state of the input net, with information about the enabled, frozen and firable transitions, then waits for commands. These commands are the following.

h Prints a short summary of available commands.

f tr Fires transition with name tr. tr must be among the transitions shown as firable.

# n Fires the n^th transition in the firable list of transitions.

d k Let delay k elapse from current state, k is an integer of a number in floating point notation.

r n Randomly fire n random steps and print last state reached. A step is delay followed by a discrete transition.

R n Like "r n" except intermediate states are printed.

m Sets a mark on the current state (for commands << and >> below).

< [n] Undoes [n times] in history the last state transition (delay or discrete). Default n is 1.

> [n] Redoes [n times] in history the next state transition (delay or discrete). Default n is 1. Redo n is only possible if at least n state transitions are available in the history, that is if some undo have been done before.

<< [n] Jump backward [n times] in history to the previously marked state or the initial state.

>> [n] Jump forward [n times] in history to the next marked state or the last state.

|< Jump to the initial state.

>| Jump to the last state stored.

. Prints the current state.

l file Load a scenario file in .scn format generated by selt, pathto, plan or play. If the input net is timed, then the .scn file must be timed too.

s file Save the current history as a .scn file. If the input net is timed, then the .scn will be timed too.

k (true|false)
  Keep history (default) or not when applying commands f, d, r or R. Not keeping history permits long simulations that could otherwise exhaust memory. Navigation commands (<, >, <<, >>, |<, |>, m) are only available when history is kept.

q or ^D Quit play.


play ifip.ndr
play abp.ndr -q < commands > results


nd(n), tina(n), plan(n), struct(n), ktzio(n), ndrio(n), tedd(n), selt(n), sift(n), muse(n), pathto(n), scan(n), walk(n), reduce(n), formats(n)


Bernard Berthomieu LAAS/CNRS, 2000-2024,

Tina Tools play (n) Version 3.8.5
Generated by manServer 1.07 from src/play.n using man macros.