Manual Reference Pages  - tina (n)


tina - state space generation tool

Part of Tina Toolbox for analysis of Petri nets and Time Petri nets.


See Also


tina [-help] [-p]
[-C | -Cw l | -Cm n | -R |
-V | -Vq | -V(o|f|l) tlist | -P | -Q(|p|b) | -Z(v|i|vi) |
-D | -F(|1) |
-M(|m) | -E | -W(|m) | -S | -A | -U | -incl | -equal]
[-s n] [-c n] [-b n] [-t s] [-m n] [-en n]
[-df | -bf ] [-inh] [-tc] [-pr] [-dt] [-sw]
[-NET | -NDR | -TPN | -PNML | -TTS]
[-v | -q | -aut | -mec | -bcg | -ktz]
[-sp n] [-tp n] [-ls] [-lt] [-wp n] [-g] [-d] [-stats]
[infile] [outfile] [digestfile] [errorfile]


tina builds various state space abstractions for Petri nets and Time Petri nets. It takes as input descriptions of a Priority Time Petri net in textual form (.net, .pnml, .tpn formats) or graphical form (.ndr format of files produced by nd, .pnml with graphics), or a Time Transition System description in .tts format.


-help Recalls options.

Operating mode options:

Note: stopwatches are only supported in modes -W and -S, they are omitted in all other modes.

-C | -Cw l | -Cm n
  Build the Coverability Graph of a Petri net (untimed, or with temporal information discarded).
-C implements a method close to the original Karp and Miller algorithm;
-Cw l behaves like -C, except that it specifies a list l of places with initially unbounded markings;
-Cm n behaves like -C, except that it specifies a threshold for unbounded places (-C eqv. -Cm 0). With -Cm k, a place p becomes marked with w in marking m’ if some ancestor marking m of m’ is such that: (for any q)(m’(q) >= m(q)) and m’(p) > m(p) >= k.
These options remove time constraints, inhibitor arcs, read arcs and priorities, they set flags -tc -inh -pr.

-R Builds the marking reachability graph of a Petri net (untimed, or with temporal information discarded). This option removes time constraints, it sets flag -tc.

-V | -Vq | -Vo tlist | -Vf tlist | -Vl tlist

Builds the Covering Step Graph of a Petri net, according to the technique of Vernadat/Azema/Michel. -V preserves deadlocks.
-Vq stops as soon as all transitions have been fired or all states have been enumerated; it checks quasi-liveness. tlist being a list of observable transitions,
-Vo tlist preserves observational equivalence wrt transitions in tlist,
-Vf tlist preserves failure equivalence, and
-Vl tlist preserves linear time temporal properties.
If all transitions are observable then -V(o|f|l) tlist is eqv to -R. These options remove time constraints and priorities, they set flags -tc -pr.

-P Builds the partial marking graph of a Petri net, according to the persistent sets technique. The heuristic retained is to minimize local branching. These options remove time constraints and priorities, they set flags -tc and -pr.

-Q | -Qp | -Qb
  Builds the partial marking graph of a Petri net. Combine the persistent sets (-P) and covering steps (-V) methods. Several heuristics are available:
-Qp maximizes size of steps;
-Qb minimizes branching, like -P;
-Q (recommended) implemnents a trade off between -Qp and -Qb.
These options remove time constraints and priorities, they set flags -tc -pr.

-Zv | -Zi | -Zvi
  Builds marking graphs for three "maximal steps" firing rules:
-Zv, or -sleptsov: a step at marking m is an enabled transition t fired at its maximum enabledness multiplicity at m; that is a bag t*k, where k is the largest integer such that t is firable k times simultaneously at m;
-Zi, or -salwicki: a step at m is a maximal set of transitions simultenaously firable at m;
-Zvi, or -slepsalw: a combination of -Zv and -Zi. A step at m is a maximal bag of transitions simultenaously firable at m;
These options remove time constraints. In addition, options -Zi and -Zvi remove priorities.

-D Builds the essential state graph of a Time Petri net, according to the technique of Popova. This graph preserves reachability and linear time temporal properties. Static intervals must be closed or unbounded and left-closed. If no temporal information is specified, or if all transitions bear interval [0,w[, then -D is silently replaced by -R.

-F | -F1 Builds the subgraph of the state graph obtained by firing integer delay transitions (unit delays if -F1) and discrete transitions. This graph strictly includes that obtained by -D and preserves the same properties. Static intervals must be closed or unbounded and left- closed. If no temporal information is specified, or if all transitions bear interval [0,w[, then -F/-F1 is silently replaced by -R.

-W Builds the linear state class graph of a Time Petri net, according to the technique of Berthomieu/Menasche. The linear state class graph preserves marking reachability properties and linear time temporal properties. If no temporal information is specified, or if all transitions bear interval [0,w[, then -W is silently replaced by -R. This option removes priorities, it sets flag -pr.

-Wm As -W, except interprets multi enabledness of transitions. Multi-enabled transitions are associated with several delay variables, ordered by their creation dates.

-M | -Mm As -W or -Wm, except only markings are preserved (firing sequences are not).

-S Builds the strong state class graph (also called zone graph by some authors) of a Time Petri net. That graph preserves state reachability properties and linear time temporal properties. If no temporal information is specified, or if all transitions bear interval [0,w[, then -S is silently replaced by -R.

-E As -S, except only states are preserved (firing sequences are not).

-A Builds the arborescent, or atomic, state class graph of a Time Petri net. The arborescent state class graph preserves liveness properties and branching time temporal properties. If no temporal information is specified, or if all transitions bear interval [0,w[, then -A is silently replaced by -R. This option currently removes priorities, it sets flag -pr.

-U An alternative for -A, generally slower, provided for pedagogical purposes. Algorithmically, -A partition/refines the result of construction -E, while -U proceeds from the typically larger graph obtained by -S. The graphs obtained by -A and -U should be bisimilar. This option currently removes priorities, it sets flag -pr.

-incl Identify two state classes when one is included in the other. This flag avoids to specify mode -M or -E when analyzing timed models. It is silently ignored if the net is untimed or if some operating mode is simultaneously set, otherwise it has the effects of -M if no priorities are specified, or of -E otherwise.

-equal Identify two state classes when they are equal (default). This flag undoes the effects of any preceding -incl flag.

Exploration strategy flags:

-df Depth-first exploration (when meaningful)

-bf Breadth-first exploration (default)

-inh Removes inhibitor and read arcs from the input net.

-pr Removes priority constraints from the input net.

-tc Removes time constraints from the input net.

-dt Forgets data processing when reading a tts description.

-sw Forgets stopwatch and stopwatch-inhibitor arcs from input net.

Stopping test and limits flags:

-s n Stopping test for the boundedness property.
-s 0 : None, use limit option(s) to ensure termination
-s 1 : Checks a sufficient condition for unboundedness
        of the underlying untimed net (Fast but small risk
        of undetection).
With -C, no stopping test is necessary.

With time constaints, inhibitor arcs, stopwatch arcs, boundedness is undecidable.

-c n Bound on the number of markings to enumerate (none if n=0).

-b n Bound on the marking of each place (none if n=0).

-t n Bound on duration of enumeration (none if n=0).

-m n Bound on multi-enabledness of transitions (none if n=0).

-en n Lower bound on number of enabled transitions (none if n=0). E.g. absence of deadlocks is checked on the fly with "-en 1".

Output format selection :

-v textual output, prints full results

-q textual output, prints a summary of results

-aut transition system output in .aut format, as read by Aldebaran.

-mec transition system output in .mec format, as read by Mec 4.

-ktz transition system output in .ktz proprietary compact format.

-bcg transition system output in .bcg compact format, as read by bcg tools.

-ls prints labelled state properties

Without option -ls, atomic state properties are bijectively mapped to the net’s place names. With -ls, they are mapped to place labels.

-lt prints labelled transition properties

Without option -lt, atomic transition properties are bijectively mapped to the net’s transition names. With -lt, they are mapped to transition labels.

-sp n encoding of state properties for transition system outputs:
-sp 0 : no state properties (default for .aut, .bcg)
-sp 1 : boolean state properties (default for .mec)
-sp 2 : weighted state properties (default for .ktz)
-sp 3 : weighted state properties for all weights

The .aut and .bcg formats do not natively support state properties. With -sp n, where n>0, tina encodes them as additional transitions: regular transition properties (labels) are prefixed by "E.", state properties (markings) are introduced as loops on states labelled by the places marked, prefixed by "S.". In addition, when n>1, place names are suffixed by their marking, separated by "*". E.g. if place p3 has 3 tokens in state s, than -sp 1 adds transition (s,"S.‘p3‘",s), -sp 2 adds (s,"S.‘p3‘*3",s), and -sp 3 adds (s,"S.‘p3‘ S.‘p3‘*2 S.‘p3‘*3",s).

The .mec format natively supports unweighted state properties. If -sp 2 or 3 is specified, weighted properties are encoded into boolean properties: e.g. marking p*3 is represented by state property p with -sp 1, p_3 with -sp 2, and properties p, p_2, and p_3, with -sp 3.

The .ktz format natively supports weighted state properties, even for infinite weights (unbounded places). For .ktz, flag values 1 to 3 yield the same result.

-tp n encoding of transition properties for transition system outputs:
-tp 0 : no transition properties
-tp 1 : boolean transition properties (default for .aut, .bcg, .mec)
-tp 2 : weighted transition properties (default for .ktz)
-tp 3 : weighted transition properties for all weights

The .aut and .bcg formats expect a single transition property (or none, represented by "i"). Multiple properties are encoded into a single one, built from the concatenation of their representations.

The .mec format supports unweighted multiple transition properties. Weights are appended to the properties as explained above for weighted state properties.

The .ktz format natively supports weighted transition properties (even for infinite weights). For .ktz, flag values 1 to 3 yield the same result.

Note: All tina constructions except -V produce single transition properties; construction -V produces multiple transition properties. No construction currently produces weighted transition properties, but options -tp 2 and -tp 3 are still useful when combined with option -lt and transition labelling is surjective.

-wp n encoding of wait states for transition system outputs:

-wp 0 : no wait state properties
-wp 1 : emit wait state properties

In Time Petri nets, it may happen that no transition firable from some state has a finite firing deadline. Knowledge of such "wait" states is important for e.g. LTL model checkers. With -wp 1, an extra "wait" property is emitted for all wait states (thus for all states if the net is untimed or all transitions have interval [0,w[). In all formats, it is represented by an extra transition labelled "*" looping on states having that property.

Default value: -wp 1 if ktz output and at least one transition has an interval different from [0,w[, otherwise -wp 0. This treatment avoids to associate a wait property for all behavior states in untimed nets, for which LTL model checking typically assumes a fairness hypothesis for transition firing. The tina LTL model checker has a flag to restore these properties, if desired.

Other flags:

-stats Prints progress information on the fly.

-g Disables liveness analysis (if applicable).

-p Disables reachability and liveness analysis (just parses).

-d As of 2.9.4, tina prints a five lines digest in digestfile (see below) after construction of the specified abstraction. Flag -d disables printing and computation of digest (if applicable).

The digest information includes status information for the properties of the net (boundedness, liveness, reversibility) and some information about the contents of the transition system (ts) built:

count: the number of states/transitions in the ts
props: the number of atomic states/transitions propositions
       referred to in the ts. Depending on whether ts is built
       from names or labels, these are:
       - the numbers of places/transitions of the net, or
       - the numbers of distinct place/transition labels
psets: the number of sets of propositions referred to in the
       ts. Depending on whether ts is built from names or
       labels, these are
       - the numbers of markings/transition steps referred
          to in the ts, or
       - the numbers of those distinct after labelling
dead: the numbers of deadlock states and of unfireable transitions
live: the numbers of live states and transitions, where
       - a state is live if it is found in some pending
          strong connected component of the ts
       - a transition is live if it fires in all pending
          strong connected components of the ts

Input format:

-NET | -NDR | -PNML | -TPN | -TTS
  Specifies the format of the input net. This flag is necessary when the input net is read on standard input, or read from a file that does not bear the expected extension. By default, the net is assumed in .net or .ndr format.

Input source:

infile Where the net is read. The input format is determined by the file type, according to the table below. If absent or specified by "-", the net is read on standard input in the format specified by the input flag. If both an infile and some input flag are present, then the format defined by the input flag supersedes that determined by the infile extension.

file extension          input format
.net                    net format
.ndr                    ndr format
.tpn                    tpn format
.pnml                   pnml format
.tts                    tts format

Output destination:

  Where results are written. The output format is determined by the file type, according to the table below. If absent or specified by "-", then the net is written on standard output in the format specified by the output flag. If both an outfile and some output flag are present, then the format defined by the output flag supersedes that determined by the outfile extension.

file extension          output format
.ktz                    tina binary ktz format
.bcg                    bcg tools bcg format
.aut                    aldebaran aut format
.mec                    mec4 mec format
any other               textual output (default -v style)

Digest destination:


As of 2.9.4, tina prints a five lines digest in digestfile (default stdout) after construction of the specified abstraction.

Errors destination:

  Where error messages are written. By default, errors are printed on standard error.

Default options:

Depend upon the features of the input net:

If no time constraint:     tina -R -s 1 -c 0 -t 0 -b 0 -m 0 -v
Else, if no priorities:    tina -W -s 1 -c 0 -t 0 -b 0 -m 0 -v
Otherwise:                 tina -S -s 1 -c 0 -t 0 -b 0 -m 0 -v


tina -q  < nets/ifip.ndr
tina -PNML < mynet.xml
tina -s 0 nets/ abp.txt
tina -R -q < nets/ifip.ndr > ifip.log-R
tina -a nets/ifip.ndr > ifip.aut
tina -C ../nets/hp.ndr hp.ktz
tina -R ../nets/ifip.ndr ifip.ktz ifip.digest ifip.error


nd(n), plan(n), struct(n), ktzio(n), ndrio(n), tedd(n), selt(n), sift(n), muse(n), pathto(n), scan(n), play(n), walk(n), reduce(n), formats(n)


Bernard Berthomieu, with contributions by Francois Vernadat, Pierre-Olivier Ribet, Florent Peres, LAAS/CNRS, 2000-2024, {Bernard.Berthomieu|Francois.Vernadat}

Tina Tools tina (n) Version 3.8.5
Generated by manServer 1.07 from src/tina.n using man macros.