Journées FAC 2015
Ces journées ont été organisées par le groupe IFSE du RTRA STAE.
Les journées FAC'2015 ont eu lieu les 22 et 23 avril 2015 à IRIT - SITE ENSEEIHT (SALLE DES THÈSES, C002).
Programme des journées : Mercredi 22 avril 9h00 : accueil
9h30-10h30 : Ahmed Bouajjani Paris 7, LIAFA : Verification of Concurrent Programs: Decidability, Complexity, Reductions.
abstract: Concurrency is omnipresent in computer systems, at all levels, from applications relying on high level synchronization mechanisms and using abstract data structures, to low level code implementing concurrent/distributed data structures and system services over multi-core architectures/large-scale networks. The automated verification of concurrent programs is a challenging problem due to their highly complex behaviours. We will address the problem of verifying automatically concurrent programs, from the point of view of decidability and complexity. We will show the difficulties that raise in addressing this problem in different contexts: shared-memory, message passing, dynamic creation of tasks, recursion, relaxed memory models, etc. We will overview existing approaches for handling these issues, and we will show in particular how verification problems for concurrent programs can be reduced to ”simpler” problems (stated as reachability queries either on sequential programs, or on concurrent but sequentially consistent programs) for which there are already know verification algorithms and tools.