Journées FAC 2013
Ces journées ont été organisées par le groupe IFSE du RTRA STAE.
Les journées FAC'2013 ont eu lieu les 10 et 11 avril 2013 au LAAS.
Programme des journées : Mercredi 10 avril 9h00 : accueil
9h30-10h30 : Luís Soares Barbosa (HASLab - INESC TEC & Universidade do Minho, Portugal): Introducing fault propagation in a component calculus
abstract: In the specification of component-based systems, relations nicely capture nondeterminism and vagueness of requirements. Probabilistic functions go a step further by quantifying the likelihood of each possible, expected or faulty, behaviour. Such a shift from qualitative to quantitative reasoning, which is becoming pervasive in Computer Science, calls for a language able to accommodate both these aspects, while preserving the polymorphic and calculational style of relational program derivation. Recently, typed linear algebra has been suggested as a suitable candidate for such a unifying rôle, when restricting to discrete probability spaces. In this talk, this framework is put at work to discuss fault propagation in a component calculus wherein components are modelled coalgebraically as (generalised) Mealy machines.