
Examples of TPN (from the Tina distribution)

Alternating Bit Protocol abp.net

IFIP example taken from [Berthomieu83]: ifip.net

Level-crossing example with 3 trains: train3.net

Intersection of TPN

The two basic examples from the paper C1.net and C2.net

Diagnosability with the twin-plant method and IPTPN

A timed version of the example in [DEDS17]: jdedstimed.net

  • see: Diagnosability analysis of patterns on bounded labeled prioritized Petri nets, Gougam, HE., PencolĂ©, Y. & Subias, A. Discrete Event Dyn Syst (2017) 27: 143
  • the same example in graphical format , for viewing with Tina’s nd program

An example from [Basile2015]: basileTAC.net .

  • see: State estimation and fault diagnosis of labeled time petri net systems with unobservable transitions. Basile, F., Cabasino, M. P., & Seatzu, C. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(4).

An example from [Wang2015]: wangTAC.net .

  • see: Diagnosis of time Petri nets using fault diagnosis graph. Wang, X., Mahulea, C., & Silva, M. (2015). IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(9)